Monday, October 15, 2012

Check Your Posture Before It Is A Problem

Postural issues and dysfunctions run rampant in our society, especially for those who sit all day and are hunched over their keyboards, staring at computer screens.  Many patients and clients come into the clinic not aware that their posture is an issue. Correct posture is something that is often overlooked in our society but it is an issue that affects us in many areas of life.  I can lead to headaches  shoulder and arm pain, low back pain, and leg pain.  Posture is the first thing evaluated during at our physical therapy clinic to make sure the patient and/or client is setup for optimal healing from their movement dysfunction.

It would not be a bad idea to examine your posture before you're at to the point of pain and dysfunction.  There is an easy way to grossly analyze your posture.  Have a friend of family member take a picture of you from the front and side.  Then compare your normal standing posture with the graphic above.

There may be some issues that can be addressed on your own and some of these corrections can be found in a recent Men’s Health’s article.  Found here.  But for any medical or fitness related problem you should contact your physical therapist or physician prior to initiating anything mentioned in the magazine article.


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