Friday, August 31, 2012

Should Lack Of Exercise Be Considered A Medical Condition?

When was the last time that you heard a medical doctor tell a patient, “you have a bad case of deconditioning?”  Many of you out there may ask; what is deconditioning?  Deconditioning is actually a large problem in our society; it is the unnatural state of being physically inactive. When the transition occurred no one knows, but the human race quickly went from being a species that was active most of the time to one that is increasingly sedentary.

"The Lancet recently called it an inactivity pandemic responsible for 1 in 10 deaths worldwide."  When looked at it this way, inactivity, and therefore deconditioning sounds a little bit more serious than one might have first thought. Think about that, 1 in 10 deaths worldwide! From previous blog posts, research articles, and the news, we know that inactivity leads to many issues such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and much more.

This month in the Journal of Physiology, physiologists at the Mayo Clinic explain that in order to deal with the problem we need to make physical inactivity a mainstream medical diagnosis. "This is one of the most common preventable causes of illness and death... that there is one universally effective treatment for, exercise training." The problem with this is the change needs to come from many facets of life. Our entire medical system relies on inactivity. Insurance companies reimburse billions of dollars a year for pills for diseases related to inactivity but rarely help pay for exercise training, wellness programs, and even physical therapy without a diagnosis of pain.

In the past century medical doctors have had great influence on their patients, educating patients that smoking causes cancer and kills. It was even the medical doctors who started educating patients on using seatbelts and car seats in cars to decrease mortality rates. Why can't the lack of exercise be a mainstream diagnosis given to patients and explained to them that it can actually kill them?

This is a call to all healthcare providers; medical doctors, doctors of physical therapy, athletic trainers, and personal trainers to push their patients and clients to get out there and exercise. These medical professionals can also help in the community by showing patients that there are alternatives to gyms, which often cost a lot of money, such as showing them where the nearest bike lanes or parks may be.

Let's change the way we look at inactivity.  It can kill you!


Please Support Us in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Hayashida & Associates is joining in the fight against Breast Cancer by participating in a 5k non-competitive walk in Santa Ynez Oct. 6. We would love your support! Donating is easy and will help many women enjoy more birthdays. Please use the following link to donate and please share it with family, friends and co-workers. If you would like to join our team and walk with us we would love to walk with you! We have already helped raise over $1500 and our goal is to raise $5000. Any amount helps our efforts against Breast Cancer. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Redcord Treatment at HAPT

Suspension exercise using Redcord equipment is an efficient tool for both functional training and management of orthopedic injuries. Redcord equipment is used to treat or train elite competitive athletes all over the world.

Exercises on Redcord equipment, Neurac Treatment, can help anyone who wishes to enhance strength, balance and function. Neurac, the Norwegian-developed physical therapy sensation, has proven to be an efficient way to prevent injuries and treat musculoskeletal disorders. Neurac Treatment can deliver extraordinary results for elite athletes and patients suffering from chronic and acute pain. Neurac Treatment is excellent for treating:

Lower back pain
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
"Tennis elbow"/carpal tunnel syndrome
Knee & ankle pain
And Much more...

Hayashida & Associates Physical Therapy, Inc. was the first physical therapy practice in the United States to offer the Redcord system, and most of our therapists are certified on Redcord equipment.  We want you to move without pain and  get stronger so you can avoid future injuries. So what would you like to do again without pain? Play tennis or golf? Dance? Enjoy a hobby? Get back to living your life?

To learn more how we can help you discover the benefits of Neurac Treatment training for athletic performance and injury treatment call Hayashida and Associates Physical Therapy or visit us at

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Lift Light Weights..Realize The Same Potential

Recently researchers  turned weightlifting conventional wisdom on its head. The researchers found that lifting less weight more times was just as effective at building muscle when compared to training with heavier weights.

The research, which was published in the Journal of Applied Physiology challenged the widely accepted idea that training with heavy weights at low repetitions was the best way to increase muscle growth. Although lifting with heavier weights does increase muscle growth and strength many people in the population, including older adults, have joint problems that prevent them from training with these heavy loads. With this new research we find that those subjects who cannot safely lift heavy weights can still increase muscle growth and strength with lower loads.

This study consisted of grouping participants into three different programs. The first program consisted of one set at 80% of the maximal load.  The second program had each participant lift three sets at 80% of the maximum and the last group was required to lift three sets at 30% of the maximum load.

" After 10 weeks of training, three times per week, the heavy and light groups that lifted three sets saw significant gains in muscle volume – as measured by MRI – with no difference among the groups."1

So the next time that you go to the gym, if you have musculoskeletal problems, remember that you can lift lighter weights and still benefit with increased muscle mass and strength.

Ref: C. J. Mitchell, T. A. Churchward-Venne, D. D. W. West, N. A. Burd, L. Breen, S. K. Baker, S. M. Phillips. Resistance exercise load does not determine training-mediated hypertrophic gains in young men. Journal of Applied Physiology, 2012